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Organic Kelp Fertilizer Production

Organic Kelp Fertilizer Production

Kelp is a type of seaweed that is brown in color and grows on a huge scale. A product of nutrient-rich oceans, kelp is often mixed with fish products and used as a fertilizer to promote healthier plant growth, promote higher fruit and vegetable yields, and enhance the overall appearance of a garden or herbarium as a whole. The advantage of kelp is that it is a completely natural organic product that contains over 70 vitamins and minerals. For this reason, it is an important dietary supplement for many people and an excellent organic fertilizer. Organic kelp fertilizers can be applied to any type of soil or plant without concern for waste by-products or harmful chemicals, improving crop yields and general plant health. CD BioSciences produces kelp fertilizer through a gentle process, our production technology can guarantee that kelp fertilizer will not thicken over time, even when exposed to air, skin formation is minimal.

Our Services

CD BioSciences is committed to becoming an algae-derived crop nutrition enterprise, continuously optimizing resources and service systems, and providing farmers with profitable and sustainable nutritional solutions. CD BioSciences produces high-quality green fertilizers using comprehensive technologies such as biotechnology in modern environments, microbial technology in agriculture, and soil testing formulations.

  • Kelp meal production
  • Kelp powder, cold processed (usually a liquid) production
  • Enzymatically digested liquid of kelp production

Our Technical Features

  • Microbial enzymolysis technology: This technology destroys the cell wall of fresh kelp under digital control, can dissolve the nutrients and plant factors, and split macromolecular nutrients into small molecules that can be fully absorbed and utilized by crops.
  • Advanced processing technology: Our processing technology can achieve efficient catalytic conversion of algae, separation of extracts, and enrichment of living nutrients in kelp.
  • Quality assurance: Our production technology completely retains the nutritional diversity and biological activity of kelp, refuses to add any chemical hormones, and maintains the original ecological nature.
  • Storage technology: CD BioSciences uses advanced technology to fix and preserve kelp to maximize the extraction of stimulant substances that promote the growth of kelp, and obtain a high concentration of fresh kelp active puree.

Our Technology Platform

Organic Kelp Fertilizer Production
  • Fluorescence spectrometer (FS)
  • Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer (NMR)
  • Polarimeter
  • Atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS)
  • Ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatograph (UHPLC)
  • Ultraviolet visible spectrophotometer (UV)

CD BioSciences is a professional service provider for the marine biology industry. Our organic kelp fertilizer production services can ensure that the most suitable methods and techniques are selected for your project. We provide our customers with the most precise ingredient data and highly informed process expertise. Our team of biomass experts plays a key role in the formulation, optimization and commercial evaluation of biomass value-added processes in industry and academia. If necessary, please feel free to contact us.

Please kindly note that our services can only be used to support research purposes (Not for clinical use).

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