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Zooplankton Detection

Zooplankton Detection

Zooplankton are a group of animals that live in planktonic form in water. They are a generic term for heterotrophic invertebrate and chordate larvae that cannot produce organic matter on their own. Zooplankton mainly include protozoa, cnidaria, crustaceans, hairy jaws, tunicates and planktonic larvae. They either don't have the ability to swim at all, or they're so weak they can't move great distances, and they don't have enough strength to resist currents. Zooplankton is an important bait for fish and other economic animals in pelagic waters, and is of great significance to fishery development. Many species of zooplankton are important food sources for fish and shellfish, and some species such as hairy shrimp and jellyfish are food for humans. In addition, there are many species that can serve as indicator organisms for water pollution. For example, in eutrophic water bodies, species such as Moynae, Cyclops, and Brachiosaurus often constitute dominant populations. Some species, such as Tetrahymena and Daphnia magna, are used as laboratory animals for toxicity and toxicology tests.

Our Services

CD BioSciences' biologists have accumulated experience in zooplankton identification over the years. Currently, CD BioSciences' plankton sorting and identification center provides commercial research and technical services for the characterization of plankton samples according to client-recommended methods. We provide services related to zooplankton identification and definition of size and biological structure of various plankton samples.

  • Zooplankton count detection
  • Zooplankton biomass detection
  • Zooplankton classification
  • Zooplankton image analysis
  • Morphometric measurements of zooplankton
  • Zooplankton species detection
Ctenophora detection Cnidaria detection Mollusca detection
Chordata detection Annelida detection Crustacea detection
Echinodermata detection Bryozoa detection Chaetognatha detection

Why use our zooplankton detection services?

Organization Structure
  • Our eDNA metabarcoding technology provides a sufficiently reliable and inexpensive analysis for identification and biomass monitoring of zooplankton species.
  • Scientific team with extensive experience in handling zooplankton samples
  • Fully customizable designs to meet each specific need
  • Advanced platform to ensure optimal results for every step
  • Fast turnaround time and reasonable price
  • Reliable and up-to-date analysis reports

Organization Structure

The plankton sorting and identification center of plankton consists of three parts:

  • Plankton Sorting Section: A team dedicated to sorting samples and identifying CPR samples.
  • Fish Taxonomy Section: A team specialized in the taxonomic identification of fish and the classification of fish roe by developmental stage.
  • Section of Zooplankton Ecology: a team dedicated to the taxonomy of marine invertebrates.

CD BioSciences is a professional service provider for the marine biology industry. Our zooplankton detection services can ensure that the most suitable methods and techniques are selected for your project. We provide our customers with the most precise ingredient data and highly informed process expertise. Our team of biomass experts plays a key role in the formulation, optimization and commercial evaluation of biomass value-added processes in industry and academia. If necessary, please feel free to contact us.


  • Iliou K, Kikionis S, Ioannou E, et al. Marine Biopolymers as Bioactive Functional Ingredients of Electrospun Nanofibrous Scaffolds for Biomedical Applications[J]. Marine Drugs, 2022, 20(5): 314.

Please kindly note that our services can only be used to support research purposes (Not for clinical use).

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